Highlighting Library Language in State Digital Equity Plans

As State Digital Equity Plans are in the works nationwide, library stakeholders are scrambling to provide data and priority statements to their state broadband offices. When groups such as state library agencies and associations fail to involve themselves, the language around libraries becomes vague, and the library's position becomes precarious.

Including local libraries and state libraries in state plans is a necessity, not a luxury. Without it, funding for digital inclusion programs will be diverted to other population-facing non-profits, and libraries will be left unsupported.

The EveryLibrary Institute has prepared a guide analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of how libraries are described in seven state DEA plans (through October 1, 2023). This roundup highlights useful and exemplary language found across these draft state plans where the role of libraries is clearly stated, and their importance as a community anchor institution is evident. We urge state library agencies and state broadband office planning teams to incorporate similar language in their plans. 

Please visit "Interim Report: Libraries in State Digital Equity Plans" to download your free copy of this report. We will email you a link right away.