As Digital Equity plans are written across all states, stakeholders in the library sector must provide essential data and set their priorities with their respective state broadband offices. When state library agencies and associations do not participate, the state plan language regarding libraries tends to become ambiguous, jeopardizing our standing. Inclusion in state plans is imperative, not merely a beneficial add-on. The absence of this leads to the diversion of funds meant for digital inclusion programs, leaving libraries unsupported.
In this new report, the EveryLibrary Institute unpacks valuable and exemplary verbiage from seven draft state plans that distinctly articulate the role and significance of libraries as fundamental community anchor institutions. The EveryLibrary Institute encourages state planning teams to embed similar language in their frameworks. Please fill out the form on this page to receive your free copy of the report by email.
The EveryLibrary Institute is interested in providing consulting services to strengthen the position of state libraries and library systems as capacity-building leaders in digital equity. Contact John Chrastka, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 312-574-0316.
For more resources that support state libraries and library systems in the DEA planning framework, please see:
ELI Provides Comments to NTIA on Digital Equity Act Rules:
Webinar - Reverse Engineering DEA and BEAD Stakeholder Engagement for State Libraries
Webinar - It is Time to Comment on Your State Digital Equity Act Draft Plans -Best practices for library leaders on how to influence and engage their State's DEA Draft Plans:
The EveryLibrary Institute Endorsement of the SHLB 2023 Policy Roadmap