PREMIUM WEBINAR: Creating Messages That Build Support For Any Library (Donate to Attend) - EveryLibrary Institute
Messaging is the last webinar in this introductory series because effective messaging is more than the stories and messages that we put out into our communities. Developing an effective message relies on understanding and managing the environment that we use them.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Digital Advocacy and Marketing Tactics for Any Library (Donate to Attend)
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that better websites, big data, strong email, and effective social media tactics are changing the ways that large and small organizations communicate with their communities.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Understanding Big Data and Audience Segmentation (Donate to Attend)
If you're interested in building community support, increasing library donations, improving attendance at programs, increasing circulation and database use, as well as drastically improving library support through the use of big data just like large national campaigns at almost no cost, then this webinar will show you how.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Introduction to Advanced Advocacy Strategies For School and Public Libraries
In this introductory webinar we'll explore basic strategies for building support for your school or public library.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Build Support For Your Library Before You Need It: Understanding Surfacing (Donate to Attend)
Did you know that the most critical time for building community support for your school, public, or academic libraries are the years before and between campaigns or threats of closures?
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Advocacy in an Election Year
This training will help groups understand the do’s and don’ts of lobbying and engagement during an election year and the various ways to avoid pitfalls of this advocacy work.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Small Windows and Broken Mirrors
In this session, award-winning social entrepreneur, educator, and comedian Alvin Irby explores ideas for helping Black boys identify as readers and for increasing out-of-school time reading among Black boys.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: 8 Principles for Running A Modern, Digital Library Campaign
Many library campaigns and political initiatives aren't run or managed by sophisticated and professional political operatives. Instead, they're typically people in the community who simply want to see their library improve.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Plan Ahead for Your Library's Financial Future
It's most common for libraries to budget a year at a time, but this year plans got derailed as COVID19 forced Directors and Boards to deal with the challenges, uncertainty and fears of interrupted revenues. Would better financial preparation have helped you know how well your library was positioned to withstand the virus?
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Defining Your Audience
Every business is based around their audience. A brand doesn’t exist without its audience, and your audience guides so many of your brand decisions.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Make Your Messaging Stick
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which begs the question: How much is a video worth?
Learn MoreLeading With Your Mission: From Good Messaging to Great Rhetoric
When you talk about your work, what do people hear?
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Brand Strategy Made Easy: Start Marketing Your Library Today
Marketing your library can feel daunting. Even overwhelming. You know you need to do it, but aren't sure where to start, or what channels to use, or how to even know if you're doing it right.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: The Best Publicity Practices To Promote Your Library
Libraries are under increasing pressure to connect with the media and to generate publicity that will attract attention, create interest, and win support for their libraries and programs.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: The Art of Fundraising: Becoming an Inspirational Fundraiser
During this workshop Rachel Ramjattan, best-selling author of No More Duct Tape Fundraising: The Nonprofit Leader's Guide to Becoming an Inspirational Fundraiser will teach you what inspires donors to give
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Personas In Action
Your patrons, donors, and advocates are the lifeblood of your institution and mission, so it makes sense to keep them at the center of all your communications. That’s where persona development comes in.
Learn MoreBallot Measures as a Tool for Advocacy
Join the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center to learn how you can utilize ballot measures as at tool - even if you're a 501c(3) organization - to move your advocacy goals forward and create a more equitable and just society.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Strategies for Nonpartisan Civic and Voter Engagement Activities
Non-political doesn't mean non-participation because there are plenty of ways to engage voters and advocate for a cause without wading into risky political territory.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Building A Marketing Plan for Your Next Project Launch
Launching a new project, initiative, or campaign can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you are juggling multiple roles in an organization.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: 10 Quick and Dirty Tips For Those Ready To Become An Inclusion Marketing Pro
Now more than ever, it is imperative that libraries understand the power of marketing in ways that truly connect with all audiences. Come learn 10 Quick and Dirty Tips For Those Ready To Become An Inclusion Marketing Pro!
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Peer-to-Peer: Why you should be texting and how to do it effectively
Texting is quickly becoming a preferred method of communication; it certainly is the most effective. In this session we will take you through the basics of text campaigns to examples of the current “art of the possible”.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Dismantling toxic workplaces: How to shape the culture of your mission-driven organization
In this session, Claire Humphreys, Co-founder and CEO of Wethos, will dive into the tactics, tools, and strategies employed to build a workplace that revolves around empathy and collaboration.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Fundraising for Major Gifts: Anyone Can Do It If You Just Ask Permission
Discover how to ask for support during COVID times. Understand why today's donors value libraries and what you have to offer the world.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: How to Connect with Voters through Personal Stories
Whether you’re running for office, working on a campaign, or building your local party’s or organization’s infrastructure, you need to connect with your voters. We’re here to help! How can you do this when you can’t meet in person?
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: The Power of Resource Building: Institutional Support & Fundraising Component
In this session, we will review best practices for aligning your organization with these types of institutions; prospect and fundraising landscape assessments; the components to a strong proposal template; and how to set your library up for success through strong relationship-building tactics.
Learn MorePREMIUM WEBINAR: Building movements and raising money: Online fundraising best practices for right now
During this session, digital fundraising experts from ActBlue, a nonprofit organization that builds online fundraising tools, will help show you how to build an online fundraising program that empowers your supporters to take action online to support the movements and organizations they care about.
Learn MoreThe Censoring of Sexual Freedom
Sexual freedom is a fundamental human right. The first amendment protects free speech. Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Learn MoreLibraries as Engines of Economic Opportunity: Partnering with Your City and Your Economic Development Office
Economic Development offices traditionally focus on how to bring in big corporate fish such as Amazon using tax abatements. But libraries are well positioned to work with Economic Development offices to build a thriving local economy through the potential of existing residents rather than corporate incentives.
Learn MoreThe Growing Movement to Ban Books
Walk through the data from presented in the recent PEN America report on school book bans - with the the author of the report and two researchers.
Learn MoreGetting the Most Out of Political Direct Mail with New USPS Tools
Direct mail remains an essential component of political campaigns. It is uniquely targetable, and people really do read – or at least look at – their mail. Few political campaigns succeed without mail as a part of their strategy. The Postal Service has developed new services in the last few years that can greatly increase the effectiveness and control of a direct mail campaign. There are also special rules political mailers should follow to get the best treatment for their mail. This session will give you insight into how to make the most of your political campaign mail.
Learn MoreAttracting Audacious Grants
This talk will examine 15 initiatives over the past 100 years that have attracted multiple grants of $10 million or more, including the roll out of libraries across the U.S.
Learn MoreEstablish a political digital campaigning 101
This session will provide: (1) The basics of who, what, where, when and how to establish a strategy for a political digital media campaign, (2) Finding and working with a vendor, (3) Media buying techniques, and (4) Audience targeting options.
Learn MoreBook Banning: A bit of history and law
This session introduces the historical evolution of book banning from obscenity law to book challenges. It will explore how the law of obscenity changed making prosecutions of books (nearly) impossible.
Learn MoreWhere Did You Get that Book 2022
In this session, Tim shares insights from the forthcoming September 2022 Freckle Project report which integrates consumer surveys and IMLS data to paint an actionable picture of how to address these shortfalls and refocus on our core competencies.
Learn MoreHow to Safely and Effectively Spend Your Fundraising Dollars
Stephen will walk you through three easy ways your organization can safely and effectively spend money, so your nonprofit can stay compliant and demonstrate fiscal responsibility to your board and donors.
Learn MoreBoard Effectiveness: Ten Questions Boards Need to Ask Themselves.
Board Effectiveness: Ten Questions You Need to be Asking Yourself. As a not-for-profit board, you also want to have an impact, making a difference. But can you do good if you’re not so good? Can you make a difference if you’re asking all the wrong questions?
Learn MoreAdvocacy: The Lessons Learned and the Next Steps.
Advocacy: The Lessons Learned and the Next Steps. Advocacy is a planned, deliberate, sustained effort to develop understanding and support, incrementally, over time.
Learn MoreWait, What Happened? Crisis Communications for Libraries
A crisis is any situation that threatens the integrity or reputation of your organization, such as funding reductions, safety or security incidents, public challenges or staffing issues. Today, libraries face many of these threats - often simultaneously. This session will help you be more prepared for a potential crisis.
Learn MoreParticipatory Budgeting for Libraries
Have you ever wondered what sharing real decision-making power could look like within your community? Or do you already use democratic practices internally, but want to turn those practices into budgeting action?
Learn MoreMitigating the Library Ebook Conundrum
Current eBook licensing practices are eradicating the central mission of libraries, with grave repercussions for equity and access to the world’s knowledge. The root of the issue is that while libraries buy print books in order to lend them to patrons, they can’t actually buy eBooks. Instead, they license the content from publishers. This means that publishers can set whatever terms they want in eBook licenses to libraries—or refuse to license them at all.
Learn MoreFighting for the First Amendment: Some Thoughts On Religiously Based Censorship
Conservative religious groups have long sought to control what people may see, read and experience. While many Americans may believe we've thrown off the yoke of religiously based censorship, experience says otherwise.
Learn MoreLibrary District Formation: Essential Considerations
Forming a library district is one way to fund public libraries. This session highlights the three essential aspects of undertaking district formation.
Learn MoreTime to Wake Up Again: Advocacy and Engagement in Response to New Laws Regulating Libraries
Almost ten years ago, we published "Wake Up the Nation: Public Libraries, Policy Making, and Political Discourse" in Library Quarterly. This article was a call to arms for library and information science (LIS) researchers to more seriously focus "on the impacts of policies and politics on public libraries" and for library professionals to "wake up the nation on the impacts of these policy and political choices related to public libraries."
Learn MorePublic Opinion Polling for Libraries
An overview of the new polling landscape and how we have tailored opinion data collection to be more accurate and affordable. We will cover how to use polling for library campaigns and some research we have done into book banning.
Learn MoreCommunicating from your authentic self
In this session, I will share a technique that will teach you how to prepare to speak while eliminating tension and awakening authenticity. I'll also show you how to create, connect and speak from your deepest self. This will apply to speeches, Q&A's and will strengthen daily communication.
Learn MoreBuilding your organization and coalition.
"This session is designed to give you a fundamental understanding of the following: 1) How to build a coalition 2) How to build a grassroots organization 3) How to identify effectively tell your story"
Learn MoreTroublemaker Training
Join one of our virtual trainings to learn how to effectively organize and fight extremism in your community.
Learn MorePlanning Finances to Meet the Library's Strategic Objectives
Are you aligning your Library's budgeting process with your strategic plan? Looking ahead to ensure the Library's long-term goals are achievable? Have you considered what alternatives are available if you cannot readily meet your goals? This presentation will discuss how to identify and react to unfavorable trends before it's too late. We'll also discuss borrowing for larger scale projects that cannot be funded from resources on hand, and the reasons borrowing can make sense.
Learn MoreContent Creation & Optimization for Connection & Influence
Content Marketing is a business philosophy which, when embraced fully, will make you the most trusted voice within your industry. And it begins with an obsession of understanding the answer to one question: “What is my audience thinking?”
Learn MoreThe Library Advocacy Gap: Increasing Librarians' Political Self-efficacy
Libraries need strong advocates, raising awareness of the importance of libraries and advocating for policies that advance the library's mission. Yet a recent study has found that a Library Advocacy Gap exists among professional librarians.
Learn MoreThe Model for Building Community Support through Engagement: A "Go to Them" Model of Inclusion, Equity and Diversity
Community Ownership: Learn new ways to build community support through a community engagement process that creates community ownership while translating community input into recognizable and tangible programs and designs while simultaneously increasing support of library initiatives and ballot measures.
Learn MoreSparking Local Government Support for Public Libraries Through Data-Driven Research
As economies around the country rebuild after the effects of a devastating pandemic, policymakers should look to their public library systems as an incomparable asset and ally.
Learn MoreSchool Legislation that Wasn't Terrible in 2022
While much of the discussion about state legislation in 2022 was focused on "bad bills" for libraries, there were several exemplar legislative initiatives this session that would benefit the school library community.
Learn MoreDiversifying Your Revenue through Cannabis, Gambling, and Oil Wells
"Sin taxes" and revenue from natural resource extraction are common sources of state aid and funding for education. Why can't they also be used to fund libraries?
Learn MoreNationBuilder + ActionButton
Making it possible for anyone, anywhere to take action—to lead their community, to start an organization, a campaign, a business, a movement—is why NationBuilder exists.
Learn MoreHow to Run Your Referendum 101
Pick up the skills you need to start your ballot referendum (fundraising, ballot petitioning, campaign organization, volunteer recruitment/retention, paid communications, etc)
Learn MoreIntro to Integrated Ad Campaigns for Advocacy
Learn the basic advertising channels available to communicate your message and how to integrate them into a more comprehensive strategy.
Learn MoreEmpowered Against Book Bans
Get to know the current state of book challenges across the US with a look at what led to this particular censorship movement.
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