Register on this page for access to “Going Fine Free” and also receive a list of free resources to help you get started along with access to a free consultation with our presenter.
Are you interested in going fine-free but need to overcome some barriers to moving forward? Then this webinar is for you! We will address:
- Reasons for going fine free
- The experience of libraries that have gone fine-free
- Reality v. Myth on late returns, hold times, revenue loss, and library usage
- How to effectively message and advocate for going fine-free with internal and external stakeholders
- Planning your way forward: Exploring a variety of options for phased implementation
Thank you to our sponsors!
The folks at The Galecia Group are happy to share the white paper, "Library Late Fees - Not Just Ineffective, But Harmful," to be used by library leadership to support their decision to eliminate late fees in libraries. You will receive a link to this paper after registering.
Learn more about The Galecia Group by visiting
Register on this page to receive the following:
- Your link to view "Going Fine Free"
Links to free resources including the Galecia Group Whitepaper “Library Late Fees - Not Just Ineffective, but Harmful”
- Access to schedule live video-based consulting sessions with our presenter, Peter Bromberg
Thank you to our sponsor LibraryCall for a generous offer of 6 months of free access to StoryTime Direct to one lucky registrant selected October 2021. LibraryCall’s Storytime Direct is a project of The Galecia Group and it allows libraries to deliver a Dial-A-Story service which patrons can access by phone or online - no broadband connection needed! Stories are automatically delivered to a local call-in number from our collection of diverse stories in the Storytime Commons, without adding more work for library staff.
After registering on this page, you will receive a link to this webinar in your email.
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Meet our Presenter:
Peter Bromberg, Associate Director EveryLibrary
Peter has nearly 30 years of experience applying a human-centered approach to the transformation of library services, creating value and positive experiences for people and communities, while fostering healthy, equitable, and effective organizational climates. As a library advocate on local, state, and national levels, he coaches and consults with librarians, boards, and associations to develop effective messaging and build strong community and political support for library funding.
As Executive Director of the Salt Lake City Library, Peter applied an equity lens to board development, operations, and policy development, garnering a Distinguished Service Award from the American Society for Public Administrators (ASPA) for his work in eliminating inequitable barriers to service, including the elimination of all late fees in 2016. He has frequently presented on the topic of eliminating late fees, and has offered pro bono coaching and consulting with many libraries across the country to help them chart their path to implementing fine-free policies.