Why LAFCON is Giving Back to Library Associations

25% of all conference registrations will be donated to state and national libraries associations!

The COVID-era challenges to library funding are just starting to come into focus. From school funding cuts to austerity budgets for states and municipalities, the economic shocks will be real and significant. These organizations and associations need resources to advance their local legislative and advocacy priorities, and libraries need to be seen and funded for what they are — solutions to the real problems threatening literacy, economic prosperity, and equity. 

That's why we are sharing part of every Library Advocacy and Funding Conference registration with state, provincial, or national library organizations across the country and around the world. Twenty-five percent of the proceeds from all registrations will be donated to the state library association (for U.S. registrants) or national library association (for international registrants).

Register today for this exciting virtual conference!

We know that many library association conferences have been canceled, and fundraisers have been delayed. We want to provide financial support for these associations now in a spirit of cooperation and mutual support. There are no strings attached to these donations. Our hope is that we have wide-ranging participation in the conference. If that happens, we think everyone will benefit.

We know from our work on local library ballot measures, school library actions, and legislative campaigns that an active library advocacy ecosystem is vital to preserving and growing funding for school libraries, public libraries, and academic libraries in the U.S. and abroad. The goal of the Library Advocacy and Funding Conference is straight forward. 

We want to improve the political and financial literacy skills of library leaders and support organizations. In this very uncertain time, we are hosting this conference to help our library colleagues anticipate and confront new funding challenges with actionable information from experts and useful insights from seasoned practitioners. 

Please register today to join us online this September 14 - 16 for the Library Advocacy and Funding Conference. Your registration gives you access to more than 40 sessions, panels, and keynotes from the world of political action, community organizing, fundraising, and philanthropy. 

Register today before prices go up

All sessions are available on-demand using our stable, scalable platform. Attendees, presenters, and sponsors are invited to learn and collaborate through our dedicated Slack channels for a truly interactive experience. We expect that attendees will see their political advocacy and funding efforts taken to a new level. Together we can grow support for libraries and garner the funding needed for a strong future.