About This Webinar Series
If you're worried about the impact on your library's funding considering that libraries have lost nearly 20% of voter support for funding in the last ten years, or if you're a school librarian and concerned about the closure of school libraries across the country, or if your library organization is worried about ensuring continued support for library funding during a recession, this webinar series will help you build the tools, skills, and strategies you need to keep your doors open and continue serving the public.
In order to help support library workers, we created this donation option for purchasing access to this webinar for any price you can afford.
If you are a library or a library related organization, please use the full registration page here.
If you'd like to purchase access to all 5 webinars in this series with one donation of $5 or more, please click here.
Your contributions ensure that we can continue to pay our presenters for their good work.
About this Webinar
Messaging is the last webinar in this introductory series because effective messaging is more than the stories and messages that we put out into our communities. Developing an effective message relies on understanding and managing the environment that we use them.
We are also often taught in library school and in many advocacy training sessions that if we just tell good stories about the library then the public will support it. The problem is that someone who simply heard a story or even a few stories about the library is still unlikely to take action. That’s because the simple storytelling model of advocacy messaging relies on the belief that our leaders who hear how important and impactful something is will simply take the necessary steps to support it. However, if the previous few years are an indication, this simply is not the case. In this session, we’ll explore the significant amount of work that’s necessary beyond storytelling to engage leaders with effective messaging and enact change.
Libraries that can most effectively communicate their value to the community are less likely to lose funding and are more likely to have the support of local politicians and voters. In this presentation, we'll also look at some of the most effective strategies used by the most successful organizations and initiatives. We will learn how we can take advantage of these strategies to create and distribute our own messages. We will explore how to create audiences, how to use a message box, the benefits of a 27-9-3 messages, the 5 Cs of messaging, PAS messaging structures, and how to implement effective message models. We will also touch on some of best and most advanced platforms and methods for distributing messaging to the public. In this webinar we will also discuss how to build messaging infrastructures and environments that lower or directly counter opposition to library funding.
Other Webinars in the Series
More Information
If you need to pay by invoice or P.O., please send an email to [email protected]
You will also receive a continuing education certificate at the end of each webinar.
If you'd like to book an EveryLibrary Institute Speaker for your event, please click here.
April 29, 2020 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Patrick "PC" Sweeney