Build Support For Your Library Before You Need It: Understanding Surfacing
Did you know that the most critical time for building community support for your school, public, or academic libraries are the years before and between campaigns or threats of closures?
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- Build Support For Your Library Before You Need It: Understanding Surfacing
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- Build Support For Your Library Before You Need It: Understanding Surfacing
About This Webinar Series
If you're worried about the impact on your library's funding considering that libraries have lost nearly 20% of voter support for funding in the last ten years, or if you're a school librarian and concerned about the closure of school libraries across the country, or if your library organization is worried about ensuring continued support for library funding during a recession, this webinar series will help you build the tools, skills, and strategies you need to keep your doors open and continue serving the public.
In order to help support library workers, we created this donation option for purchasing access to this webinar for any price you can afford.
If you are a library or a library related organization, please use the full registration page here.
If you'd like to purchase access to all 5 webinars in this series with one donation of $5 or more, please click here.
Your contributions ensure that we can continue to pay our presenters for their good work.
About This Webinar
Did you know that the most critical time for building community support for your school, public, or academic libraries are the years before and between campaigns or threats of closures? During this time you can build community support, educate the public about the importance and role of your library, and establish the messaging narrative that you want during your campaign.
In a national campaign for a cause or a candidate, this phase of a campaign is called "surfacing" and its the most effective time to persuade your community to support your library.
This is critical because 90% of library funding relies on the political will of voters and politicians and libraries have lost 20% of voter support in the last 10 years. If you want to ask your community to support you in the future, you must start today!
So, what can or should you start doing today to ensure future success? In this session, we will discuss how librarians can work within their communities to raise awareness, tell their story, build supporters, and establish the library as the institutional expert for community improvement and a wise investment for community members years before they have to ask the community to vote to support them. We'll explore how to use messaging to build a narrative around your library that you can work from when it comes time to make an ask of support from your community.
In the last four years, EveryLibrary staff have attended conferences and trainings on both the far left and far right of politics in order to better understand the environment of funding for libraries. In this webinar, we'll give away all of the secrets that we've learned. We'll look at how other organizations like the Human Rights Campaign, ACLU, NRA, Sierra Club, DNC and RNC, or Americans For Prosperity have been using surfacing to tell their story and build support in their communities for the last 40 years. We'll also look at how anti-tax and anti-government groups are surfacing their causes and how that impacts the way your library is funded. You can dampen the blow from these organizations if you understand how they work and we'll show you how in this webinar.
Other Webinars in the Series
- Introduction to Advanced Advocacy for School and Public Libraries
- Build Support For Your Library Before You Need It: Understanding Surfacing
- Understanding Big Data and Audience Segmentation
- Digital Advocacy and Marketing Tactics for Any Library
- Creating Messages That Build Support For Any Library
More Information
If you need to pay by invoice or P.O., please send an email to [email protected]
You will also receive a continuing education certificate at the end of each webinar.
If you'd like to book an EveryLibrary Institute Speaker for your event, please click here.
About This Webinar Series
If you're worried about the impact on your library's funding considering that libraries have lost nearly 20% of voter support for funding in the last ten years, or if you're a school librarian and concerned about the closure of school libraries across the country, or if your library organization is worried about ensuring continued support for library funding during a recession, this webinar series will help you build the tools, skills, and strategies you need to keep your doors open and continue serving the public.
In order to help support library workers, we created this donation option for purchasing access to this webinar for any price you can afford.
If you are a library or a library related organization, please use the full registration page here.
If you'd like to purchase access to all 5 webinars in this series with one donation of $5 or more, please click here.
Your contributions ensure that we can continue to pay our presenters for their good work.
About This Webinar
Did you know that the most critical time for building community support for your school, public, or academic libraries are the years before and between campaigns or threats of closures? During this time you can build community support, educate the public about the importance and role of your library, and establish the messaging narrative that you want during your campaign.
In a national campaign for a cause or a candidate, this phase of a campaign is called "surfacing" and its the most effective time to persuade your community to support your library.
This is critical because 90% of library funding relies on the political will of voters and politicians and libraries have lost 20% of voter support in the last 10 years. If you want to ask your community to support you in the future, you must start today!
So, what can or should you start doing today to ensure future success? In this session, we will discuss how librarians can work within their communities to raise awareness, tell their story, build supporters, and establish the library as the institutional expert for community improvement and a wise investment for community members years before they have to ask the community to vote to support them. We'll explore how to use messaging to build a narrative around your library that you can work from when it comes time to make an ask of support from your community.
In the last four years, EveryLibrary staff have attended conferences and trainings on both the far left and far right of politics in order to better understand the environment of funding for libraries. In this webinar, we'll give away all of the secrets that we've learned. We'll look at how other organizations like the Human Rights Campaign, ACLU, NRA, Sierra Club, DNC and RNC, or Americans For Prosperity have been using surfacing to tell their story and build support in their communities for the last 40 years. We'll also look at how anti-tax and anti-government groups are surfacing their causes and how that impacts the way your library is funded. You can dampen the blow from these organizations if you understand how they work and we'll show you how in this webinar.
Other Webinars in the Series
- Introduction to Advanced Advocacy for School and Public Libraries
- Build Support For Your Library Before You Need It: Understanding Surfacing
- Understanding Big Data and Audience Segmentation
- Digital Advocacy and Marketing Tactics for Any Library
- Creating Messages That Build Support For Any Library
More Information
If you need to pay by invoice or P.O., please send an email to [email protected]
You will also receive a continuing education certificate at the end of each webinar.
If you'd like to book an EveryLibrary Institute Speaker for your event, please click here.