ELI Gives Testimony on H.4120 eBook Bill in Massachusetts

The EveryLibrary Institute and EveryLibrary are following H.4120, a bill to create more favorable conditions for libraries in Massachusetts about ebook and audiobook licenses and, perhaps someday, even ownership. 

Report - The Impact of the GO Bonds for Libraries Program in New Mexico

Among the states, New Mexico is unique in its use of a General Obligation Bond (“GO Bond” hereafter) as a legislature-determined and voter-approved mechanism to fund a component of state aid for libraries of all types. This report is intended to inform policy makers about the uses and impacts of the program across New Mexico.

Telehealth and Libraries: A New Report and Companion Webinar

In collaboration with telehealth expert Craig Settles, the EveryLibrary Institute is proud to announce new whitepaper "Telehealth Services and Public Libraries” and a companion on-demand webinar “Libraries & Telehealth: Tackling the Healthcare Gap”.  

EveryLibrary Institute Partners with Delaware Libraries for National Library Card Sign Up Month!

In Delaware, only 52% of children read at grade level by third grade; that number drops to 37% in 17 low income zip codes, including Wilmington, Dover and Western/Central Sussex County. Children who are competent and passionate readers by 3rd grade have a strong foundation for success in school and in life, and studies show that children with access to their local library see increases in reading scores on standardized school tests.

EveryLibrary Institute Acquires NationDigital

If you’re an organization that supports libraries or library workers, then your website should do more than provide information. It should help you automate and improve your fundraising, identify supporters, and streamline your communications while saving you money and resources. You can do it all through the NationBuilder platform with websites built by NationDigital.io and when you do, you’ll help us support libraries in the United States and abroad.

Freckle Project Looks at 2019 IMLS Data

What An Impact HALO Made!

As of March 1, 2021, after almost a year of raising money to support out of work library workers during COVID, the EveryLibrary Institute has sunsetted the HALO (Help a Library Worker Out) Fund.

Library Day at Blaze Pizza!

What food goes great with libraries? Pizza! Not really, but why not celebrate National Library Week on April 7th #LibraryGivingDay, by visiting your local Blaze Pizza Location? Every Purchase will help us support libraries in the United States.

Grassroots Fundraising Strategies That Support Your Library

You’ll want to make sure your grassroots fundraising efforts, regardless of the method you choose, include each of the following elements to successfully raise support for your library!

Grassroots Fundraising Advice for Library Giving Day 2021

Whether your library is academic, public, national, or special, it is providing indispensable value to the environment it's embedded in. Your library provides knowledge and an avenue for connection to the community. Imagine what your community could do for your library in return. Why not mobilize your community—your biggest advocates, the people who are already in your corner—to help raise support for your library?