Freckle Project April 2022 "Where Did You Get That Book" Update

The EveryLibrary Institute continues to support the research and dissemination of the Freckle Project survey and report about the reading habits of the American public, especially through libraries. The April 2022 survey results are in and late-stage COVID reading through libraries continues to be strong. 

New Mexico 2022 GoBonds Going to the Voters at $19 Million

We are thrilled to share that the New Mexico "GOBonds for Libraries" aid package has been authorized at $19 million by the state legislature and placed on the November 2022 ballot by the Governor. This is a substantial increase from previous General Obligation (GO) Bonds. If it passes in November, it will positively impact public libraries, school libraries, academic libraries, and tribal libraries. 

Emergency Fundraising Campaign Success!

Because of help from nearly 2,500 people around the country, the Friends of the Ridgeland Library (FORL) were able to give an emergency donation of $55,000 to the Madison County (MS) Library System last week.

Literacy and Health Outcomes Report Released

Libraries can be a front-line in the fight against low health literacy. In order to fund and utilize libraries and librarians in realizing health literacy goals, new policies must be created. That is why the EveryLibrary Institute has commissioned a new report on the effects of Low Health Literacy. 

Hosting Dr. Magnusson's Censorship Database

When a library is facing a difficult censorship issue or book banning campaign, it is not enough to talk about the First Amendment only. We need to go beyond the semantics of rights and talk about the real people being harmed in these challenges: the people and populations whose stories are being sidelined or attacked.

Read Our 2021 Annual Report

In 2021, the EveryLibrary Institute was engaged in several critical conversations about the future of public and school libraries - and funding for the workforce that powers them.

Two New Reports Highlight Importance and Impact of School Librarians on Educational Ecosystem

The last several years have been a tumultuous time for school libraries. Just how tumultuous has been outlined in two reports recently released by EveryLibrary Institute. 

Volume 5, Issue 1 of The Political Librarian Now Online - 2021

The Political Librarian is the only journal focused exclusively on the intersection of politics and libraries. We are proud to announce that Volume 5, Issue 1, 2021 is now available at the Open Scholarship platform at Washington University for your download and review. 

Comments to the MD Attorney General on the E-Book Suit

Recently, the Association of American Publishers (AAP) filed suit in federal court to block enforcement of the Maryland e-book bill. A wide-ranging group of pro-library policy and advocacy groups has been invited to make comments to the Maryland Attorney General who is responsible for defending the law. 

ELI Supports the Renewal of the Charitable Giving Deduction

The universal charitable deduction will expire at the end of 2021 unless Congress takes action to extend it. The EveryLibrary Institute has signed on to the Charitable Giving Coalition's letter to Congress asking that they take action now to extend the deduction.