Reverse Engineering DEA and BEAD Stakeholder Engagement for State Libraries

Stakeholder engagement is central to how each state will write its BEAD and DEA plans. We believe that state libraries are uniquely positioned to convene libraries across their states and ensure that funding flows.

ELI Joins Amicus Brief in Favor of CDL in Hachette et. al V Internet Archive

The EveryLibrary Library Institute has signed onto a Friend of the Court brief in support of the framework around Controlled Digitial Lending that the Internet Archive used to set up the National Emergency Library during the depths of the COVID shutdowns in 2020. Hachette, Harper Collins, Wiley, and Penguin Random House sued the Internet Archive for damages. If the ability of libraries to lend is defeated in this case it will have a significant impact on library services across the United States. 

EveryLibrary Institute Releases "Cannabis Tax Policy and Libraries" Whitepaper

In its continuing series of whitepapers, the EveryLibrary Institute has created the “Cannabis Tax Policy and Libraries” whitepaper (July 2022) to help inform library leaders and public policy stakeholders about the role that revenue from recreational cannabis should have in supporting public libraries as community anchor institutions.

Call For Papers - The Political Librarian - Fall 2022 Issue

For our Fall 2022 issue, The Political Librarian seeks papers addressing the challenges to libraries' values, vision, and mission in the present moment.

ELI Joins Amicus Brief in Andy Warhol Foundation v Goldsmith

The EveryLibrary Institute is joining with several other national library organizations in an amicus brief in the Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith case currently before the Supreme Court. 

EveryLibrary Institute News Stories - January to June 2022

The EveryLibrary Institute has a unique mission and work as a public policy, tax policy, and dedication policy Think Tank for libraries. From January to June 2022, we were in over a dozen stories that featured our work supporting a policy framework about the future of library funding. 

Broadband Stakeholder Planning Webinar for State Libraries

This webinar offers practical and actionable advice and insights for state library agencies on how to participate in the stakeholder engagement and planning process for federal programs like the Broadband Equity Access and Deploment (BEAD) and the Digital Equity Act (DEA).

Utah AG Publishes Clear Guidance Protecting School Libraries

Note: see 9/16/22 update to this article (below) about the withdrawal and replacement of this guidance memo. Utah AG Memo Offers Strong Protection to School Libraries: Value to libraries beyond Utah In Utah, the Attorney General’s Office, as required by the new law, “H.B. 374 Sensitive Materials in Schools” issued an official memorandum on May 4, 2022 as guidance to local education agencies (LEAs) to help school boards and superintendents understand the laws surrounding school libraries. 

Evolution of Ebook Bills

Library associations in several states are working on various solutions to the e-book problem for libraries. Each legislative solution is focused on providing a pathway for public libraries to have more favorable terms from publishers for the ebooks the license for their communities. Others are looking to establish something closer to true ownership rights for certain e-materials. 

Freckle Project April 2022 "Where Did You Get That Book" Update

The EveryLibrary Institute continues to support the research and dissemination of the Freckle Project survey and report about the reading habits of the American public, especially through libraries. The April 2022 survey results are in and late-stage COVID reading through libraries continues to be strong.